How You Can Help
We believe that films need to have a positive impact in this world. In the above picture this is everything Aspiya and her family have. They live in a one room apartment where they sleep, cook, host, dine. With the exposure of this film we want to raise the funds to help the family eventually fulfill their dream to leave the landfill and being able to return to their original home town in Bangalore. And it would be amazing if we can raise together enough funds for Aspiya and her younger brother to go to school and help her to achieve her personal goal: To become a school teacher, open a school at the foot of the garbage mountain and give children who work in the landfill like herself an education and be able to leave this toxic place.
Every dollar raised goes directly to the family. There is literally no overhead. Every dollar you sent is hand delivered by our producer Ayub who lives in New Delhi. We already delivered the first batches of money. To give you an idea what a small donation can afford Aspiya's family here is a quick rundown:
Monthly rent is about $35 USD, medicine runs at about $70 USD per month since the father has a chronic liver disease, groceries go for about $100 a month, and an electric Rickshaw (motorcycle to transport people) for the father to make a much more dignified living is about $1000. This just gives you a quick idea what things cost over there. Whatever you can give will help the family greatly. And hey, thank you so much on behalf of the whole Mountain & Maiden team and Aspiya's family.
Shmuel & Anton
People Who Donated
People Who Donated
Thank you thank you everyone who chipped in here. I post the names and donationes here so that it's transparent for everyone. Ayub, our producer is heading over to Aspiya's family periodically and delivers the money. Thank you again for making a HUGE difference.
Michael Bien $5
Jenny Deady $35
Kirstie Inglis $10
Richard Suggate $30
Jan Czaplicki $50
Ema Pomare $20
Dr. Richard Medlicott $50
Daniella Jaff-Klein $1000
Mary Ashton Burgh $50
Matthew Donaldson $30
Allison Fontenot $50
Heidi Whalley $50
Esthie Hoffman $47
Thilo Ruck $33
Charlotte McCrudden $28
Layla O'Shea $25
Vince Larson $50
Miriam $36
Ronnie Blackman $25
Rachel Steinerman $18
Binjamin & Yosefa Wood Eisenberg $18
Martin Morgenstern $100
Hoffman Family $100